Thursday, March 12, 2020

Project Work - A Study in Encountering Challenges, Trial and Error, Making Models, and Finding Success

The past couple work periods with the other 1st/2nd graders have been used for making plans and making mistakes. Then we try again and make it better. At the risk of sounding like Ms. Frizzle, this is what PBL (project based learning) is all about! At this age and stage of development, the teachers are still firmly leading the projects, and encouraging the children to go deeper. It is typical for a 7-year-old to want to be "done" immediately. Teachers need to inspire children to work towards not perfection, but best work/excellence. And that can only be achieved through planning, hard work, and yes - taking chances!

Here is some of what is in progress now.

Our skeletal system team has gone from making careful illustrations of the inside of a bone to now making a 3-D model. 

Our respiratory team drew lungs as they inhaled and exhaled. Using their knowledge, they are now trying to come up with a model using balloons and straws. A first attempt is shown.

Our circulation team has tried over a couple of days to make a working model of a beating heart. They have come close, but aren't quite there. Perhaps longer straws are the answer?

Our muscular system group's first attempt at making muscles on a hand didn't quite work. They couldn't fit in enough "bones," or straw pieces on the fingers due to their paper hands being too small. The solution? Find someone with a bigger hand to trace! Good ol' Rachel in the front office to the rescue! This model is coming out much better.

Our digestive team is working on two projects - a colorful apron AND a model of the length of the digestive system. They will need to re-do the model as the measurements aren't quite accurate. We will celebrate the first attempt, as well as the beautiful final project.

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