Thursday, March 12, 2020

A Timely Visit with an Epidemiologist

On Wednesday morning, we had a special visit from a well-respected and VERY busy epidemiologist to talk about another body system - our immune system. Aubree, Finley's mom, took some time to talk to the children about how our amazing bodies are trying to fight off germs, and what we can do to help.

We watched a very helpful movie that you can watch again:

Aubree also went through a lot of terms and answered many questions. Then it was time to play bingo, using the knowledge we just gained.

Finally, it was time to do the great hand washing experiment. Using the same type of glo-gel and light that medical students use when training, we looked at our hands before and after washing. The gel and special light really showed each child alllll the germs they had on their hands, even AFTER they washed their hands the way they normally do. Once they really took their time, taking 20 seconds (at least), scrubbing between the fingers, the tops of hands, and around the wrists, then the light revealed clean hands - no germs!

Thank you, Aubree, for coming in to share your knowledge. We pledge to WASH OUR HANDS!

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