Children are given a fair amount of guidance at first - but as the year goes on prove capable of more autonomy. The coat room has become so much neater, complete with polite signs asking for cooperation from all. This past Wednesday, I completely forget that it was our turn to clean the lunchroom, and there I was wondering where all my children were after recess. I finally figured out why I was alone in the classroom - they were all in the lunchroom, capably stacking chairs and sweeping floors, without a reminder or need of supervision. So proud!
Have you ever wondered what your child is capable of doing? I found this great list:
Chores for children ages 2 to 3
- Put toys away
- Fill pet's food dish
- Put clothes in hamper
- Wipe up spills
- Dust
- Pile books and magazines
Chores for children ages 4 to 5
Any of the above chores, plus:
- Make their bed
- Empty wastebaskets
- Bring in mail or newspaper
- Clear table
- Pull weeds, if you have a garden
- Use hand-held vacuum to pick up crumbs
- Water flowers
- Unload utensils from dishwasher
- Wash plastic dishes at sink
- Fix bowl of cereal
Chores for children ages 6 to 7
Any of the above chores, plus:
- Sort laundry
- Sweep floors
- Set and clear table
- Help make and pack lunch
- Weed and rake leaves
- Keep bedroom tidy
Chores for children ages 8 to 9
Any of the above chores, plus:
- Load dishwasher
- Put away groceries
- Vacuum
- Help make dinner
- Make own snacks
- Wash table after meals
- Put away own laundry
- Sew buttons
- Make own breakfast
- Peel vegetables
- Cook simple foods, such as toast
- Mop floor
- Take pet for a walk
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