Thursday, December 12, 2019

Update on Raptor Project/Birdie Bake Sale Prep

We've been very busy working on researching the raptors that currently reside at the Leslie Science and Nature Center. Children working by themselves or with a partner have selected a raptor and have read books, done sketches, and made notes (and sometimes even entire booklets). Today, we transferred some of their great information onto posters, which will be displayed at the bake sale counter on Wednesday. 

We've also spent a fair amount of time this week - two days so far - working on cleaning, sanding, and waxing birdhouse gourds. These will be sold at the bake sale for $20.00. Because these are a high ticket item, we are taking a lot of time and care. 

1 comment:

Rachel S said...

Wow, those are beautiful illustrations... and such admirable industriousness!