Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Graham's Tradition

On Tuesday, Graham's family (mom and two brothers) came to share a special holiday tradition with both 1st and 2nd grade classes. Each year, they get out their cookbook made up of generation's worth of family recipes and go the gingersnaps page. Making cookies, it turns out, is a tradition many of us share! Sugar cookies, cut-out shapes, chocolate-oreo cookies, and others were mentioned as some favorites.

After washing hands very thoroughly, we divided into groups of five. Each group got a big lump of dough and some rolling pins. They rolled out the dough, cut the dough into shapes, decorated with sprinkles, and then popped the shapes into the oven (well, Emily and I did the last part).

Each child got to take 4 cookies home to share with their families. We also got a couple of cookies to eat at the end of the day with a tall glass of milk!

Super Bonus: I got to hang out with a baby, and even got to smell a baby head! Now, THAT'S a tradition I could get used to!

Many thanks to Graham, mom Emily, and brothers Roger and Lewis. Thank you for sharing some of your special and very sweet family traditions.

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