Friday, February 2, 2018

This Week in Review - January 29 - February 2

Besides working on our tiny house projects, we had some fun in math doing logic puzzles. We did some 
as a whole group at the beginning of the week, and by Thursday and Friday, groups of children were 
solving and presenting them independently. Fun! 

tiny house project

tiny house project

logic puzzling

logic puzzling

logic puzzling
 As usual, children are highly motivated during Singapore Math book time - you can hear a pin drop 
during this part of the morning.

Preparation has started for our presentation for Friday morning meeting on February 9th. I won’t say 
much more, except that it is colorful, engaging, sweet, and encompasses fine motor work, art, and 
writing. Other literacy activities included poetry recitation/memorization, “special readers” 
(August and Jackson rocked it), memoir writing, illustration, and handwriting.

Shan is extending our Cities theme to the science lab, and we talked about animals that live in the city. 
After groups of children talked about which was more beneficial to animals - city or country - we watched 
a Magic School Bus video.  It is surprising to many of us to learn how well many “critters” adapt to city 
living. We will be spending several weeks on this mini-unit in Science.

We visited the preschool room on Thursday to help them with a sewing project. They were making 
stuffed snakes out of neckties, but were a bit young to handle sharp needles. First and second graders 
to the rescue! It is good to be one of the big kids.

On Friday, we headed outside for a chilly science/nature walk with Naturalist Kelsey. We picked some
beautiful winter bouquets from the nature's bounty, and learned some plant names too!

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