Thursday, June 3, 2010

Dissection of a Peony

Today, our student scientists dissected peonies in order to identify the parts of a flower. First, we looked at this diagram:

And then we got to work. Each child picked a peony and a magnifying glass and ever so carefully pulled away the parts of the flower. That led to incisions in the stem to figure out what was inside. Some children discovered that if they rubbed the petals on the paper, the pigment worked a little like paint. So I looked up how to make ink out of flowers, and - luckily - we were able to find some rubbing alcohol in which to soak the petals. We are all hoping to have purple ink when we get to school tomorrow!

The Aftermath.

1 comment:

Imogen said...

I love 'The Aftermath'...a beautiful image of investigation and activity. Susan, you are an inspiration to us all!