Thursday, November 12, 2009

Fall Nature Walk

In 2002, Richard Louv wrote a book called Last Child in the Woods. Have you read it? In it, he talks about how disconnected from the natural world many of today's children are. Louv argues for a return to appreciation of the natural world, and speaks to how it teaches children science, increases creativity, and supplies the world with future advocates. It also is so therapeutic for attention deficit, depression and obesity.

We are so lucky to be next door to County Farm Park, "our" park. We are also blessed to be close to Faye Stoner, who is the most amazing naturalist. She has been taking our children three times a year to discover and re-discover the land as it travels through the seasons. Faye has a natural and absorbing way of talking with the kids. She doesn't talk down, she listens to every comment and question with real interest and understanding, and takes the children very seriously. She is also full of fun, and the children love her.

If you are interested in learning more about the book cited, and about things you, as parents, can do, you can check it out here.

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