Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Rockin' the Multiplication Facts

In my math class, we are beginning a unit on multiplication. I am encouraging each child to try to earn "karate belts". Each time they prove they have mastered a table they earn a paper belt to display (a white belt for 2s, yellow belt for 10s, etc.)

You may have noticed some new houses taped on our windows. We have started constructing fact family neighborhoods for the really difficult facts. For instance, for the sixes times table, 10 different houses were made. For the 54 house, the roof has a big 54 on it, and the two corresponding multiplication facts and two division facts were printed on the house itself. So far, we have made the sixes neighborhood and most of the sevens houses.

We also are in the process of learning some dances and songs. We have learned (or relearned) the sixes song. In the near future, we will learn the song of the sevens and eights. You can really help by singing and dancing along with your child - it is a really fun way to practice skip counting and multiplication fluency!

SIXES – do the twist and sing to the tune of “Rock Around the Clock”

6, 12, 18, 24
30, 36
We’ll count some more
With a 42, and a 48,
54, and 60 is great!

We’re gonna count
We’re gonna count
We’re gonna count
By 6’s again!

This is made more fabulous by doing the twist while singing.

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