The flying squirrel,
Hang by knees,
Get down hard ways,
Pocket trick,
Get on hard ways,
Swing down from edge and
Zip line,
Scoot backwards,
Carry stuff,
Move handle,
Scoot sideways,
Jump down,
Spider crawl,
Monkey crawl
And sloth crawl.
We all think that this is fun and educational.
Thanks for the informative post. It's good to know what all the kids are doing on the playground!
Those are very rainforesty activities. I particularly like the Sloth Crawl. It does look fun and educational, as well as being very good for your strength and fitness. Thanks for telling everyone about it!
Hi Lila and Lukas,
I love the little poem you wrote (or is it not qualified as a poem? Ask Mrs. Carpenter for me). Now I know who to ask for help if I need someone to write lyrics for my compositions.
Ms. Emilie (Peter's Mom)
Dear Emilie,
My mom thought it was a poem too, but it is a list. Lukas and I could probably write lyrics for you. Thanks. - Lila
I am particularly interested in seeing "flying squarrel" trick...
Hiromi (Selden's mom)
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