Thursday, November 8, 2018

Week in Review - November 5 - 8

This information is also found in Walter's weekly email:

We used our weekly poem, “I’m Glad the Sky is Painted Blue,” as inspiration for the big blackboard 
prompt for the rest of the school - “What is your favorite thing to see in the sky?” This prompt brought 
many interesting responses from both staff and students!

And, speaking of poetry, not only did we recite and illustrate this lovely one in our anthologies this week, we also have been really practicing haiku writing. We have lots and lots of strips already printed with beautiful phrases about leaves - some with 5 syllables, and some with 7. Children have been manipulating these strips in large groups, small groups, and individually to create some lovely haiku. This is to get them used to how haiku sound - the rhythm of the words, the non-rhyming nature, and the serene and simple beauty. Next week, we will attempt to write our own haiku without the use of these strips, and then add some lovely leaf art using crayon rubbings.

Project time with Grace’s class also explored the gorgeousness of leaves. Using leaves collected 
earlier (and pressed under heavy books), we cut each leaf in half and drew the other half using our 
science eyes. Our students have really been paying attention when to use scientist eyes  (drawing 
exactly what you see) and when to use artist eyes (using imagination to draw “extra”). We identified 
these leaves, too. Grace laminated these scientific renderings, and they are now on display in the 

Ian and Jackson were wonderful special readers this week. I expect nothing less from these old 
hands. We didn’t have spelling words this week due to no school on Friday, but we did enjoy lots of 
lovely quiet reading times - especially “buddy” reading.

In math, along with Singapore Math books, we are really enjoying doing some fun logic puzzles with 
100 grids. Using a series of clues, we eventually find out what the secret number is. These take some 
getting used to, but we are getting pretty darned good at them!

On Thursday afternoon, children enjoyed watching the “big kids” acting in the production of Julius 
Caesar. I think they were imagining that in just a few short years, they might be the ones up on stage! 
Parents - it’s true!

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