Saturday, May 2, 2020

Highlights of the Week - Goodbye to April

We had a few highlights of the week already mentioned in previous posts - our poet-TEA part on Thursday, and then the lovely video of Augustus being a bird whisperer. If you haven't taken the time to watch (and share with family!) these videos, please do.

Here are some other sweet scenes of the week:

Kalyan is not only keeping up with all of his school work, and making strides with his free time writing, he is also being a huge help with their new puppy. The puppy's name is Penny Lane, but Kalyan calls her simply Penny. Kalyan had a big week this week as his poem My Heart was selected as the Poem of the Week, and then it was also read by me as one of two poems at our Poet-TEA party. 

Mira enjoyed Dandelion Day on Monday. Inspired (I hope) by my enthusiastic praise of the beautiful pollinator/source of food, she took a nature walk and picked a bunch. She is also becoming fairly obsessed with Hairy Potter and reads for hours every day. Mira continues to be an amazing artist. I've included her book review from Matilda - you can see how Mira tried to convey the feeling Matilda had when the power came over her eyes...interestingly done!

I was inspired by Graham and his daily themes his family uses to spice up the routine. Tuesday has always been "Taste Tuesday" for them, so I thought we could do it too! After watching the smoothie tutorial in the morning, several children went to the kitchen to see what they could come up with. This is Graham's recipe - Yum!

Evan has been loving being out on his new bike. He has been getting plenty of fresh air and exercise, which is so important. Evan is also writing up a storm - writing a story as well as poetry. He is also an excellent pen pal.

Alex made some DELICIOUS rice crispy treats - I think for the poet-TEA party? In any event, they look delicious. In any event, they party was lovely, and Alex and the rest of the children did a very sweet job. 

Finley has been really digging into science at home (I wonder where she gets it?) During the weekends, Fin and mom can get pretty science heavy and simply follow her interests, which vary. Right now, it appears to be cells❤.

Our darling Emma turned eight years old this week! Can anyone guess where this scene comes from? Talented dad Jason did an amazing job, I thought. Sharing birthdays at school is one of the 2,000,000 things I am missing right about now, but - Happy Birthday, Emma. I bet you will remember this one!

Here's to a new Month. May it bring us new ways of finding connection, moments of joy, and self compassion.

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