Saturday, June 8, 2019

This Week in Review - June 3 - 8

                                   This information is also found in Walter's weekly update:

What a week!

I think students and teachers alike will sleep the entire weekend away in order to recover from all the excitement of this past week. As much fun as it as been, It is also been a lesson in flexibility, as our daily schedule has been anything but routine. The Crazy Llama musical was held on both Monday and Wednesday, and it was a riotous performance full of unexpected laughs and musical delights.

We had our final math classes this week – and had a smashing good time! There were a couple of special activities, including a probability egg roulette game (thanks goes to Jimmy Fallon for the inspiration!) and our probability carnival game day on Friday.

Our Environmental Super Heroes went to Leslie Science and Nature Center on Wednesday morning in order to visit “our” raptor – the glorious turkey vulture. It was a bit of a thrill to see our name on the plaque as one of the sponsors who help keep this wonderful bird of prey in good condition. Children had a sweet time making sketches of it, as well as the others birds at the center. Shan took some lovely pictures - it was difficult to choose which to include, but here are just a few:

Hey, Super Heroes! Thanks for sponsoring me!

We hopped on the bus again on Thursday to go to our closest branch of the Ann Arbor District Library, Malletts Creek. They have just reopened after being closed since April 8th. We were some of the first to try their new computers in the children’s section! Other renovations include lovely new floors, shelving rearrangement, a couple of added meeting rooms, and general spick-and-span-ness. As Jackson said as we walked in, “Ah, a nice shiny new library!” Yep, nothing like it.

Of course, the most memorable event of the week was probably Grace’s classroom wedding. We were the honored guests, as Grace’s children did a lovely job doing a reading out of a book written by her old kindergarten teacher. One of her students also played two sweet pieces on the harp.  We helped make the very special gift for bride and groom, as well as Grace’s lovely bouquet. We also celebrated by blowing bubbles at just the right time. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house. (Well, maybe it was just me – I bawled like a baby.)

Friday was the final EB day – children in the aMAZEing mazes EB listened to the story The Storm Whale, and then chose to either make a maze out of box lids and cardstock or Lego toys, using the story as inspiration. Using a marble to stand in as the baby whale, we needed to make a maze to guide him through the ocean back to his mama whale.

Friday afternoon, we were off to the races! Children cheered other children on who wanted to run the SK 5-K. Those who wanted to do the fun run could do that. Others who wanted to play on the playground had a fun time doing that. All ended the day tired and happy.

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