Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Final Day of School

It's here - the last day of school! The final day of school is always full of emotions. Some children will be excited and happy, and others will be anxious and a bit teary. School, with all of its safe and comforting routines, is ending - and transitions and goodbyes can be unsettling.

What can parents do to help normalize all these feelings?

* Listen. Watch for signs that your child is feeling sad, and be available to talk.
* Suggest sending letters or post cards to your teacher! I love to receive mail, and will definitely answer.
* For nine months your child followed a routine with lots of structure. Summer is the perfect time to allow more down time with very few scheduled activities and playdates. Allow your child to feel bored - what a gift!
* Wait until mid-August before talking about next year. The phrase, "Now that you're going into___grade," will make your child begin to look forward rather than behind.

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