Saturday, May 4, 2019

This Week in Review - April 29 - May 3

                                  This information is also found in Walter's weekly update:

May is finally here – and while we wait for the rain to stop (and our playground to dry!), we continue to find ways to have fun making up games both inside and outside. The children’s imaginations never cease to amaze me. Social skills are definitely being honed, as negotiations are an important part of every playground, imagination play, and Lego activity.

In math this week, we wrote our letters to the president of a cereal company to explain why or why not we think that putting toys in boxes is a good idea.  This was the culminating event of our probability activity in which we found that the average family needed to buy over 12 boxes of cereal in order to get 6 different toys (after sampling about 40 families only – so a very small sample). We took a tiny break from all of our probability/statistics work to count, sort, and wrap lots and lots of change from a recent coin drive. This was a lot of fun, and important teamwork! Children got practice sorting different denominations of coins into piles of $1.00 (of .50 worth of pennies). All in all, the Leukemia and Lymphoma organization received over $135.00. That’s a lot of rolling!

We continue our Seed Saving with tomatoes and cucumbers – both with the fermentation process. We are uncertain about the outcome of the cucumber seeds. Although we used organic cukes, we bought the English variety. The seeds are extremely small, and there aren’t very many. We’ll see – it’s all in the name of science! The children are getting to be very good at using their “science eyes,” to draw sketches of the vegetables with lots of important detail.

Mira and Sophia both did a lovely job as our very special readers on Monday. Here they are, demonstrating how to read with expression, and remembering to show the pictures!

Of course, we got lots of practice reading aloud because it was our turn for Friday Morning Meeting! We presented Moira’s Birthday, in the form of a Readers Theater production. It was a resounding success. Right after, we went off to Wild Swan Theater for a production of an entirely different kind. We saw our final production of the school year, Charlotte’s Web.

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