Saturday, December 16, 2017

This Week in Review - December 11 - 15

This information is also found in Walter's weekly email:

In math this week, we are revisiting the base ten blocks for some really challenging “thinking questions”. Children are given a problem to solve, then they need to prove their answer using base ten blocks. Finally, they record their answer using drawings and numbers.

Our Identity Project work included mapping where our families are from using color coded stickers on charts. We will transfer this information onto various maps soon. 

We also are taking this time to share various holiday/family traditions, which also make up a huge part of our identities.
Grace reads Snowflake Bentley before introducing one of her favorite winter traditions - making paper snowflakes!

O shares a tradition that is shared by several children - an advent calendar. We found out that there are actually many different types - Lego, chocolate, and more.

Oooh! Look who found the pickle this year! This was a very difficult challenge set by August.

Snowflake makers, hard at work

Teaching the Dreidel game
Our yearly raptor project included making all sorts of bake sale items, which we sold at the “Birdie Bake Sale” on Friday morning. We will decide on a raptor to sponsor at the LSNC soon. 
Pre-sale set-up

Busy workers
On Friday, we dissected owl pellets to find out a little bit more about the food chain of these amazing creatures. We used various scientific tools like magnifying glasses, picks, and tweezers in order to extract and clean the bones out of each pellet, and i.d. charts to try to identify our specimens.

Mia and Mila were our special readers, and did a beautiful job. Our audience behavior for both readers was stellar. Spelling and handwriting practice are coming along, and we did some writing for our memory books (all about our raptor project). We are a very few pages away from the end of the BFG and will do a written review next week.

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