Thursday, October 27, 2016

Voting Time!

We took part in a voting simulation this week - who says adults get to have all the fun? Rachel read two great stories to us during our library time - Duck for President and President Squid. Before doing so, however, she led a conversation about the qualities a president should have. Children mentioned that a president should know HOW to do the job, should want to help people, and to be kind. We also talked about the actual process of voting - and were so pleased to hear that many children have accompanied their parents to polling places.

After reading, children got to cast a ballot for one of the two candidates. Three private booths were set up, and they put their vote into a ballot box. Each child was offered an official "I Voted!" sticker to commemorate the occasion. We are on pins and needles, but will have to wait until next week to see who won.

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