Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Personal Timeline Project - Identity

This morning, we started our personal timelines. Timelines are a wonderful way to graphically represent a period of history, and - in this case - a way to reflect on what makes us individuals. We share many experiences - we all learned how to walk and talk, and we all started school. Many of us learned to ride bikes, or have been on an airplane. Some of us have been to foreign lands, or have met famous people. Some children have lost many teeth, some are still waiting for that all-important event.

I loved hearing about some of the conversations you've had at home. Children adore hearing about themselves, don't they? Children at this age are still quite egocentric, and their favorite topics to discuss often revolve around their own personal experiences. But they also are beginning to see themselves as quite separate from their parents, and are realizing that all children are not alike in all ways. And that is something to be celebrated!

Many thanks to Femi's dad, Ore, for coming in to help with this project. Most of us are not nearly done, but we all have a good start.

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