Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Close to 100 - Another Math Game You Can Play at Home

This is a great game for children doing 2nd and 3rd grade level math. It is a fun way to practice double digit addition, using logic and strategy, and it has a special emphasis on place value. It is also a good follow-up to some of the other games and activities we've done, like making number pairs to 100. It's called Close to 100, and - just like the name implies - your goal is to get as close to 100 as possible. You can see the directions HERE. All you need is a deck of cards with 10s and face cards removed. We have zeros in our special decks, which add to the fun, and I also made four wild cards, which can be used for any number. Please let me know if you play this with your child - I love to imagine our little mathematicians having fun with math at home.

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