Saturday, October 10, 2015

Extension Block Classes Start Monday!

Extension Block classes (EBs) will begin starting Monday afternoon, much to everyone's delight. They will continue each Monday and Tuesday for 3 consecutive weeks, for a total of six sessions.

When asked (as I often am) what makes Summers-Knoll different than other schools, I am proud to be able to list quite a few things. Extension Block classes are one of the things I always mention. These unique learning opportunities are so special to all of us, staff and students alike.

EB time gives children an opportunity to learn and play with children from other classes, and to explore a topic that they are particularly interested in. It gives teachers a wonderful gift - the time and space to teach (and learn more about) a topic they have a passion in, but that might not fit in with the regular curriculum. In the past, EBs have included everything from pickling, to carpentry, to knitting, to geo-cacheing, to making homemade pasta ... and much, much more.

This time, children had four interesting topics from which to choose. Bread making will be led by Elaine, Val is planning on an Andy Goldsworthy-inspired photography block, Flight will be headed by Shan, and I’ll be doing some crafty stuff with items found in the natural world (adding in poetry and stories for even more fun). All children who responded to the email sign-up will get their first OR second choice.

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