Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Handy Work

We've really been working with our hands this week! Children love to feel industrious and learn best when their whole bodies are involved.

Yesterday in Science (and during the lunch-time Science Club), students have been very actively engaged with disassembling old microwave ovens. This is for a special project Dr. George is involved in that will help disadvantaged families in Guatemala. Children have been learning to use all sorts of tools, to work together, and to wonder at the amazing technology involved in an appliance many of them use every day.

We also learned how to make little "origami" pots for planting seeds! This took a lot of patient measuring, marking, cutting, and folding. The last little tuck was especially tricky, but several of the students mastered it!

There's lots more that I didn't capture in pictures - the roller coaster some of the children are trying to build outside during recess, the dancing in music class, the amazing work they are producing in art, and on and on and on. The rest of the week will be just as active, happy, and busy.

“For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.” 
― AristotleThe Nicomachean Ethics

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