Thursday, November 1, 2012

Molly Whuppie

My, have we loved hearing Molly Whuppie stories this month. The children BEG to hear some more stories - and who can blame them? Molly is a fiercely independent, fearless, and smart heroine from the english oral tradition of story telling.

Storyteller Anne Shelby has done a remarkable job in sharing these delicious stories, set in the Appalachian Mountains. Molly has some of her adventures with Jack - he of the "Jack Tales" we've also enjoyed. While Jack uses mostly luck and magic to help him out of the many fixes he gets into (he's none too bright), Molly uses her admirable brain and wit.

I hope you enjoy the video clips I've posted - I was so pleased to find Shelby herself telling one of Molly stories. PLEASE, if you can get your hands on this book, add it to your child's library. So much fun to read aloud - you can't help but to do it with a smile and an accent!

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