Monday, November 5, 2012

Election Day - Read to Feed Animal Selected by Popular Vote!

Today was the day that all reading logs and monetary contributions were due for our big service project for October, Read to Feed. In all, we raised an astounding $722.00. There will be even more after I add my pledge of 10 cents per book per child. Thank you, ALL. I hope your children feel such a sense of pride, and feel good knowing that they will truly make a difference in people's lives.

I decided it would be fun for the children to have some practice with the electoral process. This morning, each student registered to vote by filling out a card. Then, after quiet reading this afternoon, they lined up to vote. Some had to be very patient, but the line moved quite quickly. They checked in with Chelsea, a U of M student, who was acting as the clerk. She checked their registration card and had them find their name on a registration sheet. Students signed in by their name. Chelsea also gave them a ballot.

The ballot had three choices. I picked three big items ($500.00 each) to choose from - the remaining money will go to smaller items, like bees, trees, etc. The three "candidates" were a heifer, a knitting basket (2 llamas/2 sheep) and 2 water buffalo. The children took their ballots to the private voting booth and put it in the ballot box. As they exited the booth, the children received an "I Voted" sticker to proudly wear.

After counting the ballots it was determined that we will purchase a knitting basket for a family or families in need.

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