Monday, November 21, 2011

Baby Shower

This morning, the children and I threw a baby shower for Clementine's parents. They are expecting their second child in the not-too-distant future. The students had fun decorating the room - and themselves - in blue and pink crepe paper streamers. We also worked hard on making a book for them, titled How to Take Care of a Baby.

After reading a special story (a gift for the future big sister), Mark and Linette opened their presents and then we had a special treat (vegan chocolate brownie - yum!). Lastly, we played a shower game that had blindfolded children trying to spoon cotton balls from one bowl to the other. It sounds easy, but it was really hard!

I think a good time was had by all. Many thanks to our special guests of honor for taking time out of their day to be celebrated!

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