We are so lucky to have Dr. G. join our faculty this year! The children will be working with him each Tuesday for a dedicated hour of science. Even with this addition, I would like to continue something I started last year - Science Friday. Sometimes our Friday experiment/exploration has something to do with our monthly theme, sometimes not. Children are natural scientists - they collect berries to make ink, observe and describe the worms and centipedes they see on the playground, and love to look under rocks.
Today, we expanded that knowledge and curiosity by collecting different types of leaves. We learned that there are three different broad categories of leaves, depending on their veins - parallel, palmate, and pinnate. We looked at the leaves very carefully - like scientists - and then sorted and classified based on observation.
Wow- I am soon to be 65 and I finally learned that there are 3 types of leaves. See, you are never too old to learn. I am excited for what I know the children will experience and learn this year.
I love science Fridays! Maybe Ira Flatow could be a special guest ;). I love the leaf work! Leo had a great week! Thank you Mrs C!
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