Sunday, September 9, 2007

Seeing Friends Again

Our first week of school was filled with lots of conversation and hugs. At recess, I witnessed lots of great things happening--children playing and working together to make houses for millipedes, collect acorns for our estimating jar, and make trains out of bikes. During classtime, we spent a lot of time doing team-building exercises and partner activities. For instance, groups of three children completed Venn diagrams that showed ways they were different and unique. We also had two teams become "human computers" and compete to be the first to organize themselves by the "data" that I would supply - like number of letters in last name, length of hair, or alphabetically by mother's first name.

Thank you to everyone who made our return to school so sucessful. The children seem thrilled to be back and it is wonderful to see each of you again. Here's to the best year yet!

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