Friday, October 4, 2019

Dream Houses - Our Identity Project Continues

“My house is me and I am it. My house is where I like to be and it looks like all my dreams," Mr. Plumbean said.

This is the most know quote from The Big Orange Splot, a sweet little picture book by Daniel Pinkwater. It fits in so well with our project work surrounding Identity. While some people may find comfort in living on a "neat street," where all the houses and lawns look exactly the same, Mr. Plumbean decided that he wanted a house that reflected his personality, his hopes, and his desires. 

At project time today, we gave out small unused juice cartons and let the children loose with all the colored paper and craft materials. No two houses are the same, and there was a hum of productivity and joy as our neighborhood is getting prepared. We have finishing touches to include next week, but I think it is going to be rather spectacular. 

Here is a peek at our artists at work:

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