Each month, our class will do a project that will bring awareness to the environment, or will help the earth in some small way. This month's project is one that will last all year long - our classroom worm bin. I ordered 2000 red wigglers from Uncle Jim's Worm Farm a few days ago and they arrived in excellent shape at my doorstep. They were ready, though, for their new home of clean soil, some vegetable and fruit waste to eat, and a drink of water. The children were happy to accommodate them.

Most children felt no qualms about handling the worms and (literally) dug right in. Others were a bit more cautious and thought maybe the worms were a little "yucky." That's okay. Over the year, we always get to know and appreciate these amazing wonders, whether or not we want to actually handle them. It will be one of our important jobs all year to maintain the worm bin and to keep the worms happy, so they will provide the school with some wonderful castings (worm poo) for the vegetable garden.
Please come and meet our new friends, the glorious worms!
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