Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Engineering Fun

The transition from winter to spring is always a very messy one, particularly on our beloved playground. The children love the mud – the teachers and the parents are maybe not so enamored. However, I do love a lot of the learning and teamwork that springs from our natural play area. For example, this week, with all the snow gone and the ditches filled with water, the children have been busy creating dams.

Making a homemade dam can help children learn lots of scientific concepts, like the physics of water flow and water pressure. There are roles for everyone – “gunk” collectors (yes, that is a real job), water scoopers, diggers, engineers, and testers. The conversations, teamwork, and high-fives are very sweet to hear and see.

Thank you, parents, for being so patient with all the mud coming home on boots and coats. Hang in there! Know that your children are busy learning a lot, and having so much fun – it is all worth it in the end.

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