Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Exploring S-K in Color

This morning, we dove back into our book, How to be an Explorer of the World, for inspiration. We have already done a couple of explorations involving color (our rainbow walk in County Farm Park, and collecting natural things that can be made into ink or paint), so we thought we would continue with the theme:

World of Color

Collect paint chips from a paint or hardware store.  Find colors you respond to in the world.  Attempt to match them using the chips.  (You can also match the colors using a portable paint set.)  Make notes of where you saw the colors
This is the example from the book - children were intrigued that they could rename paint colors, like "my favorite bowl" or "juice lid". Honestly, some of these names make about as much sense as the names the paint companies choose!

Teams of children were let loose to explore and document their school with paint chips. They really loved this activity, and noticed many things they had never noticed before - all through the lens of color.

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