Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Project Update - Visiting Experts

Authenticity is key in any project-based learning (PBL) unit, and one of the most effective ways to make your project authentic is to bring the outside world into the classroom. 
                                                                 Heather Wolpert-Gowron
                                                                           Edutopia Website

The above words could not ring more true, especially for our current project in the first and second grade classrooms. 

With some projects, like our recent Identity Gallery Opening, Tate and I were able to guide the children in a variety of projects ourselves - with a single trip to Stamps Gallery to gather information about how they make set up their pieces. (Not that bringing outside portrait artists in the classroom wouldn't have been lovely, but it wasn't absolutely necessary for the children to find success.) 

This time, however, our Human Body Project is best taught by real experts. And we are SO lucky to have access to so many wonderful resources right in our own community. 

Last week, both classes were joined by Mohannad, Yazan's father. He is a radiologist and just a wonderful person with a real gift with children. Mohannad shared a lot of information about how the different body systems work together. 

This week, we were lead by "The Goldberg Group," the sweetest group of Goldbergs I've ever met! Although they share the same last name with Margo (and her grandma, Wendy), they are no relation - just great friends. David Goldberg - aka Dr. Heart (an actual cardiologist), and Shelley Goldberg - aka Dr. Brain, came with Wendy - aka Nurse Practitioner Wendy to teach the children all about the circulatory system. We watched a short video about the amazing journey a red blood cell makes through the body, talked about all the healthy choices one must make to keep your heart healthy, learned how to take our pulse, and took our pulse before and after exercise. 

As I hope is clear by these photographs, bringing in experts is a great choice when doing PBL work. It raises student engagement, makes content more meaningful, and triggers curiosity. Children learn to ask good questions and to be more comfortable and polite with adults. 

We have a few more guests scheduled - stay tuned!

1 comment:

The Goldberg Group said...

It was our pleasure to meet your students. They were attentive, enthusiastic and fun to share information with. Each child participated
in our activities as they learned about the circulatory system, how the heart works, how to take their pulse and that eating wisely and exercise make a healthier heart.
We thank you for inviting the Goldberg Group to your school.
David, Shelley and Wendy