Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Guest Post by KALYAN!

About the Author

I'm Kalyan - I like writing poems.

I'm going to make a book out of poems. My first poem was called: Why Am I Waiting. My second poem was: My Heart. That was when I decided to make this book. I hope you enjoy it.

Why am I Waiting

Why am I waiting and waiting what for!
Can’t I be hesitating hesitating to the door
I can’t wait - I’m waiting far too long!
Can’t I do something else like listening to a song!
It’s got to be done done really soon
I’m waiting and waiting. Now it’s half past noon.

My Heart

My heart, my heart, my heart is tart.
My heart is like a bag of tea,
My heart is like a buzzing bee.
I like my heart - it’s always there,
My heart is what must take care!

Why now
Why here
Why cows
Why ears
Why beds
Why three
Why head
That’s me!


Susan Carpenter said...

Great job Kalyan. I love your poetry. I can't wait until you publish your first book of poetry. xo Carpenter

Rachel S said...

Hi Kalyan!

Thank you for sharing your poetry! The poem "Why am I Waiting" conveyed all the feelings one feels when waiting! Also appreciate your keen use of rhyme!

Your poem "My Heart" is so gloriously expressive... my favorite part was when you said your heart is like a buzzing bee. Your poems made me smile.

Best Wishes,
Rachel (Alex E's Mom)

Joan said...

Thank you for making me cry tears of laughter and joy! Why cows, I’ve always wondered that as well!

Unknown said...

Kalyan, thank you for sharing such thought-provoking poetry.

Why cows? Indeed! "Why cows?" is a question that has bugged me since I was in 2nd grade. The answer to that question remains elusive, but your poetry gets me closer to the answer. Thank you.

As for the dilemma of waiting, and impatience ... I often defer to the writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson. On the dilemma of impatience, he writes:

"Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience."

Thanks again for sharing your wonderful work. I hope there is more to come!

Boyd Falconer (Lawson's dad)

Unknown said...

Wow!!! Holy “cow” Kalyan loved your poetry! So proud of you and all the talents you have wonderful poems . Keep it up love you

Neehar1001 said...

Enjoying these poems Kalyan! I think they perfectly capture your personality--patient (most of the time), caring, and inquisitive. Looking forward to more to come. We can say we knew you when!


Unknown said...

These poems are amazing Kalyan! Hopefully I can hear more of your poems in the future. I will look forward to them. I love the different styles of them all! You are inspiring me to start writing more poems, thank you!
Kelly Hoey (Emmas mom)

Unknown said...

Kalyan, this is amazing!
I love your poems, especially “why am I waiting”! I often wonder about that too...
the next time you see matteo and Sebastian, will you teach them how to write a poem too?

Miss you lots!

Auntie Anna