Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Wednesday, in Photographs

We don't have math on Wednesday as we normally do, which leaves the morning free to explore other options. Sometimes we go on field trips. We've been checking out the different branches of the AADL - so far, we've been to Traverwood, Westgate, and - now - Pittsfield. Many thanks to Lindsey and little brother Jay Jay for coming and reading to us.

After Music and Art classes (and Lunch), it was time for a special project. The children had already sanded smooth some unfinished wooden birdhouses. Today we made edible paste (corn syrup, gelatin, water, and flour) and used bird seed and other natural elements to make them works of art.

Nearer the end of the day, we were visited by the choir, led by Karl. They serenaded us with three
beautiful songs.

Not a "typical" Wednesday, but a very fun one.

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