Friday, November 11, 2016


I like to share one of my favorite books with the children at this time of year. It is called, The Secret of Saying Thanks. I'll be reading it this afternoon, after our thankful meditation snack (more on that, below).

In the book, at the very end, the author says,

"For here is the secret,
        if you've not already guessed it ...
The heart that gives thanks is a happy one,
        for we cannot feel thankful and unhappy at the same time.
The more we say thanks, the more we find to be thankful for.
And the more we find to be thankful for, the happier we become.

We don't give thanks because we're happy.
We are happy because we give thanks."

As mentioned before, I recently went to a 2-day "Mindful Games" conference. This conference was specifically for teachers and counselors of children - and taught different games and techniques to bring more kindness, self-awareness, and calm into the classroom.

This mindful game, called Thank the Farmer, "heightens young children's awareness of the theme of interdependence while giving them opportunity to practice two other themes...kindness and appreciation". It goes like this:

Let's pick up a piece of carrot. But before we eat it, we'll think about how it got from the ground into our hands:

* Think of the worms that nourished the soil ... Thank you, worms!
* Think of the sun and rain that fed the seed ... Thank you, nature!
* Think of the farmer who took care of the seedlings, and finally harvested the carrots...Thank you, farmer!
* Think of the workers who harvested the carrots, who took them to be cleaned and processed, and placed into bags to sell...Thank you, workers!
* Think of the truck drivers who drove the carrots to the store...Thank you, truck drivers!
* Think of the grocery store workers who arranged the bags in the produce section...Thank you, grocery store workers!
* Think of the person who bought the carrots and brought them to you...Thank you, Mia!

Now, let's eat the piece of carrot. Put it in your mouth for a moment, without chewing, and notice what that feels like. Then spend a moment chewing. And, finally, swallow. Pay careful attention to how each step feels.

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