Monday, August 29, 2016

Birthday Celebrations at School - Treat Policy

Children love birthdays, and we love to celebrate with them on their special day. Many families ask if they can send
in a special treat to mark the event - and the answer is, "Of course!". However please note the following

Because of allergies, and our need to be vigilant about all food that comes into the school, I would appreciate healthy
treats in lieu of the more typical cupcakes or cookies. All-fruit popsicles or fruit kabobs are always appreciated by 
everyone - no one feels left out. Our policy is to have NO home-baked treats, even on birthdays, even with an
ingredient list. We hope you understand. 

Maybe even better, some parents send in a more lasting treat. One of my favorite ways of celebrating the birthday 
child is the tradition of bringing in a favorite book to donate to the classroom. If the book is inscribed and dated 
(such as, "to my class on the occasion of my 7th birthday", for instance), that makes it even more special. There is 
a designated shelf in our classroom library for such books, and it is lovely to pull some down to share, and to 
remember the child who donated it.

If you have another way you like to celebrate, please let me know!

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