Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Memory Lane

Today, Lee (an 8th grader here at S-K) visited our classroom to ask our help in doing a special "Legacy Project". As many of you may know, all graduating 8th graders do a fairly large project their final year here, as a sweet way to leave their mark on our school. Lee's project will have each student reflecting on a special memory from the 2015-2016 school year. I won't give any more details here, in case Lee would prefer to keep it close to the chest.

Anyway, once we heard about the project, we looked through our memory books as inspiration. Things we did in the Fall seem so far away, but we instantly were brought back as we looked at photographs.
first day of school ... awww

Some children had the same favorite memory, so there will be a way for them to work together. But, overall, the memories they picked as their favorites spanned the whole year. Here is the list they came up with (subject to change, of course): 

visiting raptor at LSNC, flea market math, making pumpkin bread, rolling down the hill at CFP, ice skating, poem in pocket tea, reading with dad before school, raspberry picking, decorating cooking cottages

I have lots of favorite memories too, too many to count. And there's more to come!

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