Monday, November 9, 2015

Read to Feed - A Big Success

Thanks to the hard work of my students, and the generosity of their sponsors, we raised a grand total of $500.00 for Heifer International's Read to Feed. After discussion, debating, and voting, we decided our funds should go to supply:

* one water buffalo
* one pig
* one goat

The water buffalo will help a family in need in a number of ways. In villages in India and the Philippines, these animals provide milk, manure for fertilizer, and plowing power. Farmers can also rent their water buffalo to neighbors for additional income.

The pig will provide fertilizer and food. They also are great breeders, having up to 20 piglets in a single year. This means that a pig is a gift that just keeps giving, and many families can be helped.

The goat provides milk, and can survive in extreme climates. They also have 2-3 kids a year.

So, thank you all for listening to your child read, helping them to write down all their books, and for being so generous with your donations.

We did it!

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