Saturday, October 31, 2015

The S-K Way to Celebrate Halloween

We had so much fun during Homemade Halloween. As with most things, Summers-Knoll puts its own particular spin on Halloween. In the early elementary wing, we followed the S-K homemade costume parade with a morning full of activities and stories. In small mixed-grade groups, children made ghost pop-ups with tissue and cardboard tubes with Elaine (to go along with the poem In a Dark, Dark Wood), did spooky science experiments with Shan, played games with Val, and made an animal craft with their "not-a-sticks" with me. It was a very full morning.

After lunch, it was pretty much business as usual, but we did have a special quiet reading time. Thanks to a generous parent donation, we now have enough little flashlights for each child to have one during tent reading. I drew the shades and covered tables with blankets. Groups of children got into the "tents" to read special Halloween stories or - even better - to take turns telling ghost stories.

We also had a special snack in the afternoon - we made witch hands! Pretty creepy. You can read the directions for this treat HERE.

Hope everyone has a safe and very fun Halloween.

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