Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Final Post of 2014-2015 School Year

Each June, I like to look through this blog and my plan book, and I always marvel at all the things that have happened. I have to admit, it seems exhausting! But definitely worth every moment of preparation and planning. This year we've made our world a little better by becoming "environmental super heroes", donating animals to families in need through Heifer Foundation, and sponsoring an owl at LSNC. We've walked and explored our neighborhood park (County Farm) so many times, it has become an extension of our schoolyard. We've become much better readers and writers, taking turns to read aloud to our classmates each week, and working tirelessly in our memory pages and writing workshops. We've done SO MANY science experiments - dissecting things, growing things, composting. We've become more skilled and flexible mathematicians. We've gone to the theater numerous times, and even had a theater come to us. We've learned languages, made music, explored art, exercised our muscles and have become better sports. But one of the most important things we worked on this year is becoming a better friend - learning how to work and listen and encourage each other.

I'm giving each child a homemade friendship bracelet today - I hope they wear it all summer, and remember the friends they made this year, and the fun they had. I know they are all proud of their accomplishments - and they should be!

This summer, I hope your child continues to learn and thrive. I look forward to seeing them again in September. If you are wondering about Summer "homework", I found a lovely list several years ago:

Roll down a big hill
Paint rocks

Play flashlight tag

Roast marshmallows

Catch (and release) fireflies

Bake mudpies in the sun

Toss a frisbee

Start a grass fight

Look under stones near a pond

Run through the sprinkler

Read bedtime stories in the hammock

Organize a crazy eights tournament

Make a daisy chain

Weed (i.e. pick dandelions)

Challenge friends to a watermelon seed spitting contest

Catch (and release) minnows

Jump rope with the hose stream

Work on your cartwheel

Take a pj's walk

Have a great summer, everyone. And thanks for the memories.

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