Thursday, February 26, 2015

Happy 100th Day of School!

We finally hit the 100th day of school! It came late this year, what with mid-winter break and a couple of snow days thrown in for good measure. But, at long last, we reach a big milestone in the school year.

The way we celebrate the 100th day isn't by collecting buttons or balloons, but by collecting something a little more meaningful. We try to collect 100 cans/containers of food. These will be donated to a local food bank and will provide many meals to families who just don't have the resources to make it through the week.

Elaine and I combined our math classes this morning in order to count and celebrate with the children. We started by reading a story about people in an ancient kingdom trying to count all of the thousands of visitors to determine how many meals to make for the king's birthday. After trial and error, it came about that it would be easiest to count by grouping people into groups of 10, and then grouping 10 groups together to make 100, and so on. We decided that would be a fine method for us to use as well, and children worked together to make bags and boxes of 10. We ended up with 12 full bags, and 3 single items, surpassing our goal of 100 by 23.

Thanks to all of our families who donated food - we truly appreciate your help.

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