Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Library Trip

On Monday we headed to the Ann Arbor Public Library - Main Branch. What a lovely thing they do for all interested 2nd grade classes in the Ann Arbor area! (We can "sneak in" our first graders as we have a mixed class.)

A very nice librarian met us at the entrance to the children's section and walked us back to the story area. She proceeded to show us all sorts of different types of books, and was amazed when we knew about audio books, graphic novels, the difference between fiction and non-fiction, books with no dialog. (I could tell she was impressed as she kept glancing at me with the raised eyebrow look I've become accustomed to when strange adults meet my kids.)

We learned about all the different items one can rent from the library - not only books, but music! art! tools! skeletons!

We also heard a great story and received our new library cards. After a brief tour, the children could select a book or two to check out, and then were free to look at the fish, play a game with big chess pieces, or play an educational game on the computers.

It was a lovely afternoon at the library! Be sure to thank a librarian the next time you meet one - I have found them to be unusually lovely people.

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