Tuesday, November 25, 2014

GrandFriends Day

Our morning spent with our Grandfriends was very busy and fun. Our day started with introductions, our usual mindfulness exercise, and a story. Then we interviewed our grandfriends, asking questions about their lives when they were children - did they have chores? have pets? get an allowance? What did they want to be when they grew up? We heard some fascinating stories and learned how their lives were different in some ways, and alike in others.

Then students who had a grandfriend got to go the lunchroom to serve them a lovely brunch meal.

After recess, we warmed up in the room with a craft that really made the room smell great - orange pomanders. We also played a rousing game of Password and got to see the play the children have been working on with Spencer!

All in all, a very successful morning. The children were delightful - and delighted to have such special visitors.

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