Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Classroom Auction on Monday, June 9

What do paper hearts, used sidewalk chalk, pinecones, half-jars of cloves, pictures of turkey vultures, and torn pieces of candle beeswax sheets all have in common? Why, they are all items that will be up for bid on Monday, during our annual classroom auction!

On Monday, there is no need to send money, as I will have printed $80.00 worth of "auction bucks" for each child. Even during this super fun end-of-year activity, children are still learning. They will plan for a work within a budget, and learn about the importance of spending money wisely.

This is always a highlight of the year. I'm sure the children will be thrilled to show you all their "treasures" at pick up time. And I will be pleased with my nice, clean classroom!

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