Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Magic Wishes that Fly Up to the Sky

Today we read 2 books about Chinese Kites. We learned how they were thought of in ancient times in China, as well as how they used and played with today.

One of the stories we read was Kites: Magic Wishes the Fly Up to the Sky by Demi. Long ago, pictures of animals, birds, insects, reptiles and symbols were painted on kites and then the kites were flown high in the sky, so the gods could see the wish these paintings represented. We learned that dragons represented wealth, wisdom, power, and nobility, whereas the carp represented abundance. Many beautiful pictures and wishes were explored in this beautiful book.

After reading, each child wrote down a wish they had for their families, friends, or themselves. Some wishes were simple (candy and puppies), some deeper (I wish my papa would live forever). All kites turned out sweet and lovely. Take a look.

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