Thursday, February 9, 2012

Migrating Animals Project

This information is also found in your child's cubby. Please check!

The first and second graders in my class and Elaine's class have all chosen animals to research as a homework project. These projects will be presented to each other as an end-of-unit event. On the packet located in your child's cubby, you will see the animal your child has chosen.

This is a 3 part project to include:

A brief written report (perhaps one paragraph, or just written in Q and A form) that should answer the following:

* animal's name
* why the animal migrates
* route
* type of migration

Additional information about these topics are found on the written assignment.

A map should also be included, which shows the route the animal takes.

Finally, a creative aspect (clay models, posters, dioramas, etc.)

Please let me know if you have any questions. I'm looking forward to hearing and seeing these projects, and I hope your child enjoys the process, and learns even more about migration.

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