Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Continents - Mapping with Playdough

We did a lovely project this afternoon with our K Buddies. We made a map of the continents of Earth using playdough. The results were quite beautiful, and - better yet - made learning the names of the continents, what a continent is, and where they are in relation to each other, much more fun and memorable.

Making the playdough yesterday - fun and messy.
We made the playdough yesterday during a Tribes activity. Each tribal family had to work together to make the dough nice and soft - but not too sticky. Then they had to figure a way to color the playdough that would please everyone.

After the playdough was made, we spend some time practicing making and naming the continents. We had to make sure we would be ready to be the teachers when our K Buddies came to visit.

This afternoon, the children were paired up (or in some cases worked in 3s or alone, depending), and tried to represent to seven continents as accurately as possible. Once the continents were formed and placed on blue "ocean" paper, children cut out pieces of paper with each continent name and put the labels where they belonged. Students took turns closing their eyes while their partner mixed up the labels - then were challenged to place the slips of paper where they belonged.

Elliot and his little buddy Folu work on their playdough map together.

The dynamic trio of Ben, Ava, and Ollie always work well as a team.

Beautiful Maddy and her continent map - so proud of the results!

This is just one example - lovely! The children added great detail.

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