So far, our special readers have done just a fantastic job! Thank you to Amelia, Quinn, Sydney and Ariana!
A parent asked today if a child had to be a fluent reader to enjoy being in the spotlight - and the answer is most definitely "no!" Any type of reading is valued. In fact, we rehearsed how to act if someone wants to simply tell what the pictures are about instead of reading each printed word. Above all, we are practicing the important skills of listening with our eyes, ears, and most importantly, our hearts.
Here is the list of special readers for the next five weeks:
September 30 - Maddy and Owen
October 7 - Oliver G and David
October 13 - Emma and Sophie (one day early, due to Howell trip)
October 21 - Arvid and Adrian
October 28 - Emi and Clementine
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