In math class, we have been working hard in improving our operational fluency. The children are all at various points in memorizing their multiplication tables, and we are getting lots of practice in addition, subtraction, and – for some – long division. We also have had many opportunities to work with story problems, especially multi-step tricky ones, looking for clue words to determine which operation(s) is/are needed to solve the problem.
Starting in January, our overall mathematical theme will shift to data collection and analysis. This will encourage students to collect real, meaningful data, organize that data and analyze the data to draw conclusions and explain what they have learned. These investigations encourage students to apply mathematical analysis to real-life data and/or applications in order to investigate problems or issues.
Different types of charts and graphs will be read and made, and we will also learn about finding the mean, median, mode and range of a set of numbers.
I will be sharing some of our favorite activities soon – so stay tuned!
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