Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Newspaper Scavenger Hunt

We did a fun partner activity today, and the students learned about the many facets of the newspaper. Using the Ann Arbor News, each partnership spent about an hour attempting to check off all the things on their lists. As a result, the children have a broader understanding of what the newspaper contains. Certainly more than the comics! Here is what the class was challenged to find today:

1. Cut out the index on Page One. Circle the pages you will find comics and the weather on.
2. Find an advertisement. Find an item that is closest to $100.00.
3. Turn to the weather page. Cut out the forecast for Ann Arbor for today & the high temperature forecast for Boston tomorrow.
4. Cut out a picture with someone smiling in it.
5. Find a story about a sports game. Cut out the score.
6. Cut out your favorite comic strip. Give the comic strip a new name.
7. Find five words in the newspaper that describe your group.
8. In the Classified section, find an unfurnished apartment for under $500.00 per month. Cut it out.
9. Turn to Dear Abby and cut it out. Underline a statement that you agree with.

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