Monday, November 4, 2019

Read to Feed Comes to a Successful Close!

Our merry band of just 10 readers raised a bit over $600.00 over the month of October for Heifer Foundation! These generous contributions will be turned into gifts of animals, training, and supplies to families in need all over the world.

The children had a lot of thoughts they wanted to share before we collectively decided on how to spend the money. It was important to most of them that the animals we give aren't primarily used for their meat - they wanted animals that had fleece to use for clothing and warmth, or eggs to give, for example.

Image result for honeybees read to feed

Here are our choices - look how far $600.00 can go!

we will send a girl to school! (just like Beatrice) - $275.00
dairy goat - $120.00
llama $150.00
flock of chicks $20.00
flock of ducks $20.00
honeybees $30.00

Thank you all for your generosity and for taking the time to read to and with your children. I'm really hoping that it lit a spark, and that they will continue to read with gusto!

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